Special Extra-Long Edition for Blueberry Month

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Let's do blue!

Not only are they delicious but blueberries are nutritious. Just one cup provides 25% of the daily value of vitamin C, lots of vitamin K, the highest levels of antioxidants of any fruit or vegetable, and only about 80 calories! 

Start blueberry month with these deliciously moist pancakes filled with juicy blueberries and made with oat flour to make them light and fluffy. The kids will love these!

Blueberry Coffee Cake

If you are not in the mood for pancakes or oats do not appeal to you, try this blueberry coffee cake instead. You could have this for breakfast and then again for a snack and then for dessert too!

Blueberry French Toast Casserole

For a more filling breakfast or to have breakfast for dinner, try this blueberry french toast casserole. It is made with a whole loaf of sourdough bread, fresh blueberries, a half dozen eggs, and syrup on top.

Classic Blueberry Pie

You cannot enjoy blueberry month without making pie. This classic blueberry pie is easy to make and tastes incredible. With my blueberry pie filling, you can make it in minutes.

Blueberry Pie Filling

Just as I promised, here is the recipe to make the pie filling for that delicious blueberry pie. But you can also use this juicy and sweet filling for topping ice cream and other desserts, making chicken and pork dishes, or so many other recipes. 

Try these delicious blueberry recipes too:

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Here are some more blueberry dishes:

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More yummy blueberry recipes you can try: