Celebrating Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day on July 1st

There are thousands of flavors of ice cream from the original vanilla and chocolate to the creative goat cheddar and cilantro lime. What is your favorite? Mine is cherry.

Many of the ice cream recipes I like to make simple, with just a few ingredients. However, several of my recipes have secret ingredients to make them more fun and tasty.

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Avocado Ice Cream

Don't let the name trick you! It also has chocolate chips, mint extract, maple syrup, and coconut milk for a delicious blend of flavors you have never tasted together.

Thick Brush Stroke

Strawberry Ice Cream

Another ice cream with a hidden ingredient, this also has a cup of real dark chocolate chips in with the fresh strawberries. 

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

3 Ingredient Oreo Ice Cream

Talk about creative! With just three ingredients, you can have this delicious chocolatey ice cream for dessert tonight!

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Peaches and Cream Ice Cream

This ice cream has all the right stuff including fresh peaches, whipping cream, and milk. But it also has two secret ingredients: cream cheese and lime. 

Medium Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

No Churn Cherry Ice Cream

Almost all of my ice cream recipes are no-churn because I like convenience. This one is full of cherries, cherry juice, and thick cream. It is my favorite!

Medium Brush Stroke

Sorbet recipes for you to try:


Ice cream dessert recipes you will love: